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Queen Street House

Georgian Grade B1 Listed Mansion

Dominic Street, Newry, Co. Down, Northern Ireland

In response to the deteriorating condition of this magnificent 1860s, Georgian residence, the owner has appointed us to restore and rehabilitate the building to provide self-catering apartments. While employing the Minimal Interventions approach, the philosophy to guide all renovation activities has been established as early design stage and Reversibility, and Honesty of Interventions principles have been adopted. The scheme is designed to protect the landmark appearance of the Queen Street House with preservation of original fabric, features and original structure within the curtilage. This approach adds value to the scheme aesthetically and commercially.


The site forms part of the Area of Townscape Character designated at Dominic Street, and the development makes a significant contribution to enhancing its character bringing renewed energy with a strong sense of place. The Queen Street House together with the St. Catherine Church and Priory garden counterbalance the strong linear emphasis and provide an essential contrast to the regular rhythm of the long terrace flanking the street. The scheme has been designed with Spatial, Social, Economic and Environmental factors in mind. Once restored, the listed mansion, will add to the County tourism infrastructure product by providing unique visitors accommodation and subsequently revenue to the region. 

Planning Permission and Listed Building Consent successfully granted.

Work in progress.


© 2024 Alina Holyst Chartered Architect,  Conservation Accredited, Urban Planner 

ARB Registration Number 088206B


Studio Grēne, 14 Bridge Street, Rostrevor, BT34 3BG, Co. Down, Northern Ireland

t: +44 7928474933  w:    e:

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